2013년 7월 17일

20130717 Today's Focus ─ Youth Declaration

Today, July 17th.
It's the Constitution Day of South Korea.

And Today, 817  Korean teenagers ─ were Youth Declaration and  took a Youth Declaration.. meeting(?)

Now on, you can see them in front  of  " Seoul Dong-A Ilbo building "
or, watch on air (Fact TV) -> http://facttv.kr/onair/index.html
(( it's gone! ))

This is the official account of " Youth Declaration meeting "
These mentions are someone's declarations on twitter.

" Youth Declaration " on a potal site's Popular search (5)

on air, Fact TV / Online News

More Info (Korean)  ::  http://www.power10.kr/

I'm support it
and just I think, Almost teenagers / Adults should be support it
(or other movement
becoz we are living here. now
and we have a obligation for next generation

I hope, I won't ashamed when paased time to far, to my child
as my ancestors

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