2013년 9월 9일

20130908 a peice of oriole apple cake and peanut butter cookies

 On the last satday, I baked a orioel apple cake, reciped by dreaming Granny
  her blog -> http://blog.naver.com/yoriteacher/20193528822

(for 22cm Tart pan)
4 Oriole apple, sugar 1ts, Lemon 3pecies
butter at room temp 160g
2 eggs
wheat flour 140g
sugar 170g
bp 2/3ts
vanilla extract few
salt pinch
sliced armond or oat few

175'C 25~30m

** I baked it smaller. there was no enough stuff

When I ate it baked day, um.. there was little  egg smells so I didn't like it much

but when I ate it next day, wow!

there was no smells any more! :XD

and it's tast was really good, it is not too sweety, and very very apple-ful

also, I baked some peanut butter cookies reciped by Sinja
her blog ->  http://blog.naver.com/kiria200

it is the easist and simple recipe that I know ^^

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