2014년 1월 26일

20140126 Today's diary - Milyang

My sister came back home today. it's really for a long time to come.

I had visit Milyang one night and two days. I stayed there for "Milyang hope bus 2" Demo.

(Is it a Demo?? I don't sure.. It's just like a festival I think)

there has been people(almost seniors-granny and grandpa) who has no power

they are guarding their homeland from who has big force and much money.

765kV transmission towers for conveyance electricity from the old-dirty Nuclear power plants to the capital city of Korea is building closer the towns now on. (it takes more than 250km)

This is being done in a very illegal way.

more about Milyang- ( Milyang765kV transmission towers out )
blog; http://my765kvout.tistory.com/

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